McKenna Sheppard
Swim Instructor and Lifeguard
McKenna is very excited to be joining the SunBright Aquatics team for this year’s summer season. McKenna is currently heading into her fourth year at The University of Windsor studying psychology and education although she will be studying in Wales at Swansea University while playing field hockey. McKenna has previously taught swimming lessons and lifeguarded at Cedar Springs Sports and Racquet Club. She really likes working out, and spending time outside with friends and family. She really loves seeing her students grow not only as swimmers but also as people. McKenna is excited to build strong connections with her swimmers and help them reach their goals!
Nickname – Ken/Kenna
Favourite Summer Activity – Tanning or playing volleyball
Favourite Holiday – Christmas!
If I Were Famous For Something, It Would Be – Constantly being injured
Favourite Subject in High School – Phys-Ed and Music
Top Item on my Bucket List – Travel to every continent
If I Were an Animal, I Would Be – A dolphin, because I’m sweet yet feisty and a leader
If I Could Have One Superpower It Would It Be – Flying, because traffic stresses me out
My Dream Job Growing Up – A kindergarten teacher or a vet
What I Miss About Being A Kid – Being able to play tons of sports and other extra curriculars